Over the years we've received many great emails and letters. Here are just a few:
Jerry W., Spokane, WA (January 26, 2014)
I took this 9'+ Brown Bear at 18 yds!! He thought we were the black bear he had tried to kill while we were stalking him. You just haven't lived until a big brown bear thinks you are his dinner!! Thank GOD I had my Brown Precision .338, it was the perfect gun in a bad situation!
Thank's again, Mark. Go Brown Precision!!!
John C. (January 17, 2014)
I just wanted to give you a heads up. I had an outfitter trying to sell me a hunt to Cameroon, Africa (I believe his name was Perre) at the Dallas Safari Club Convention. He was going through the typical BS line-up…..5 star lodging, flying in lobster, wines, enormous trophy sizes, 100% percent on Lord Derby Eland, and then he ended up with his rifles. He said the best part is that he supplies fine shooting rifles for his camp. All custom made by……Brown Precision. I looked at him funny and said, "Mister, I thought you were feeding me BS until you brought up Brown Precision…..they do build a fine rifle."
I just wanted to give you a heads up. I had an outfitter trying to sell me a hunt to Cameroon, Africa (I believe his name was Perre) at the Dallas Safari Club Convention. He was going through the typical BS line-up…..5 star lodging, flying in lobster, wines, enormous trophy sizes, 100% percent on Lord Derby Eland, and then he ended up with his rifles. He said the best part is that he supplies fine shooting rifles for his camp. All custom made by……Brown Precision. I looked at him funny and said, "Mister, I thought you were feeding me BS until you brought up Brown Precision…..they do build a fine rifle."
Just thought that I would share that with you. Brought a big smile to my face!!!!!!! Couldn't agree with the gentleman any more. No need to reply, just wanted you to know.
Mark's Note: The outfitter mentioned in Cameroon has been named the Professional Hunter Of The Year a couple different times, and does indeed do everything first class.
Mike S. (November 16, 2012)
On Wednesday I returned from a Kyrgyzstan hunt.It was a grueling hunt and for 10 days we hadn’t seen anything I could get a shot at. With the last few minutes of daylight left on the last day of the hunt we finally had a ram standing, however he was father than my 900 yard range finder could record and the cross wind was 30 plus miles per hour. Time for my rifle you built 30 years ago to go to work. My 2 guides almost fell off the mountain jumping for joy when the ram collapsed and started rolling down the mountain.
Your rifle has been all over the world with me and this is the kind of performance I’ve grown to expect from it. Next week it will be in Spain looking to add 4 Ibex to my museum.
Thanks again Mark,